Denice Reignel S. Estanislao
University of the East Caloocan
“Language, as well as the faculty of speech, was the immediate gift of God.”
- Noah Webster
I’ve always believed that the ability to speak well can help people boost their confidence and improve their well-being. Knowing that you are able to convey your message with fluency and spontaneity gives not only the feeling of satisfaction from being heard and understood, but also the thought that some people envy you for your communication skills.
The ability to speak well doesn’t come in gift boxes; it requires continuous study and practice. Many times, we choose not to speak English because we are afraid to make mistakes. Oftentimes, we are afraid to speak in English because insecure people would make us feel intimidated. According to the quotation above, Language was the immediate gift of God. It tells us that everyone has the gift of language; what we need to do is nurture it. We should not be afraid to make mistakes because from it, we learn.
Learning English doesn’t have age requirements. As long as you are eager to learn, you will surely improve and eventually be fluent and spontaneous in speaking the language.
These are just few of the many things that I have learned from Mr. Ariem V. Cinco at Achievers’ English. He doesn’t just teach; he teaches with passion and enthusiasm. He combines learning and fun, making every meeting a fruitful and meaningful one. He encourages interaction among the students and blends in the atmosphere, making the class feel at ease and unpressured. He relates life stories and lessons and imparts his knowledge and experiences. Knowing how he started learning English would inspire you and give you hope that you can still improve your communication skills.
Learning English is indeed somehow hard and it requires effort. But at Achievers’ English, learning the language becomes interesting and fun. You would be surprised at how better you’ve become in English in just a few meetings. At Mr. Cinco’s class, your three-hour class becomes a four to five-hour class and you wouldn’t even notice the time.
As long as you are willing to learn, nothing can hinder you from improving in English.